Essentials of Digital Photography


Essentials of Digital Photography


Essentials of Digital Photography

Saturday, June 22, 2019

This 3 hour seminar is designed for those wanting to learn the basics and essential skills of photography. Beginners through novice, or anyone with a need to get back to basics will benefit. A digital camera (dSLR or mirrorless), one that you can change lenses with, is the preferred gear, but any brand is acceptable.

The seminar includes an in-depth camera orientation, a discussion on lenses and accessories such as tripods and filters, then controlling exposure through shutter speed, aperture and ISO; how to control the scene; shooting in RAW vs JPG (and why); colour spaces and white balance; when to use (and not use) automatic settings.

The main goal is to provide you with the knowledge to use your camera in MANUAL mode to allow more creative options and gain total control of your image captures.

9:00 am - Session begins
10:30 am - 15 minute break, general questions
12:00 pm - Workshop ends.

Where: 295 King St., Rear Entrance, Lower Level, Studio 2 (click for detailed directions - it’s a little tricky!).

Cost: $85 per person. Maximum of 6 students.
SEATING IS LIMITED. You must register to attend.
